I Hate Push-ups
Why do I hate push ups? Because doing push ups highlights a big hole in my fitness ability. And when I do them, I feel weak, uncoordinated, and I'm pretty sure I look really pathetic. I'm always trying to figure out a way to sort of do them: really fast and shallow, from the knees, against a bench. You know, the classic avoidance technique we all use when trying to skip over something that is hard but necessary to achieve a goal.
You can see where I'm going with this, can't you?
What is your musical equivalent of my dreaded push up? Is it:
working slowly on intonation?
hating the way the metronome never seems to keep time with you?
the fear of listening to yourself on a recording?
When we are faced with what seems like an impossible task, it's important to look at it squarely in the face. If this skill is something that we MUST improve, then we need to figure out a way to break it down into manageable bits.
One of my favorite tools for doing so involves a stopwatch. I can do anything for a minute (okay, maybe within limits). I bet this can work for you, too! Have your appointed task at hand, set the timer and do it. In that minute, commit yourself fully to your task. Pay attention, be aware, and push through til the timer goes off.
See? It wasn't so bad!
Meeting yourself where you are is the first step in self-improvement, either at the gym or at your instrument. Don't hide from the big problems. Instead, deal with them by taking small but consistent actions.