The Excerpts Cellists Should Know
The road to audition success is not an easy one. There's a lot to know about the entire process, with excerpts being the first order of business!
First off, you need to know WHAT excerpts are the most asked for. Even if you don't have an audition scheduled, there's no time like the present to start learning them! The time you put into learning an excerpt is more beneficial than the time you put into slogging through that concerto one more time.
Learning excerpts is like putting money in the bank. The work you put in now will be something you can build on when you actually need to get them ready.
So here’s a question for you. What are the five most asked for excerpts in any audition for your instrument? Can you name them?
Check this out. (this is mainly for string players)
Make sure you get these top excerpts and put them on your music stand today! The sooner you start familiarizing yourself with them, the sooner you are on your way to becoming a real contender. remember—practicing your excerpts now, without the pressure, is like putting money in the bank!
And for you cellists out there, I have a video series that goes over 11 of the most asked for excerpts. You can find that here:
Happy Practicing!