Your Reputation Precedes You
Maybe you’re just starting life as a professional. Or you’re still in school. Maybe you’ve been playing in an orchestra for a while and looking at taking an audition for a bigger orchestra.
Look around you. From the time you leave high school (and maybe even before then), you have been in situations with other musicians who have worked with you and who know you. They know whether or not you practice, respect the music, or are a team player. They know if you get along with people or tend to be a prima donna.
Did you know that musicians are the worst gossipers? You can be sure that you have been the topic of discussion at some time either by your teachers, your fellow students, your colleagues or an audition committee. And it may not be what you would like to hear.
Guard your reputation. Make sure you are prepared, respectful and willing to listen to others. It doesn’t matter where in the world you are - someone knows you and is either willing to say you’re a stand up kind of player, or that you are someone they would rather not recommend. You can be sure that everyone knows everyone in this business. There are not many degrees of separation.
So do yourself a favor. In any situation, especially in an audition, be polite and respectful to everyone you meet - from the security desk to the personnel manager. And the other players at the audition with you? They may be on the committee at your next audition.
So guard your reputation. Once you lose it, it’s almost impossible to get it back.